Tuesday 10 February 2015

Fraser Mackie Stock Pick 2015



  1. You guys are good. I feel secured about the future - Mr. Junaid Khan, Singapore

  2. Yes – that’s right, we spotted it first and made our customers rich in 2014 with the top buys (Galena 60% profit, Dennison 50% profit, Avanir 300% profit, Novavax 80% profit)- Mohammed, Malaysia

  3. Galena 60% profit, Dennison 50% profit, Avanir 300% profit, Novavax 80% profit. Ian, Kyle thank you for a great 2014. I can already see you are going to beat that in 2015. I wish I met you guys earlier. Mr. Jack Greeff, NZ

  4. You advised me to sell AVNR too early only got 12.82 should have waited a little longer. Next time will wait to sell. Mr. Leonie Peterson, NZ

  5. NVAX great pick guys up 80% and counting. You guys are the best. I don't know how you do it just glad that you do. Mr. Kabeel Khan, Malaysia

  6. Congratulation on picking no 1 stock on NASDAQ FM that was great 450% return keep up the Good work. Mr. Pieter Brand, South Africa

  7. Just saw NVAX 7.80. I should have listened to you guys on NVAX sorry to be a skeptic please get me into next one. Mr. Paul Miller, New Zealand
